Tommy Glenn Carmichael

Posted By admin On 08/04/22

How do you think, is there a chance to cheat at slot machines? Sometimes people try to do this and some cheaters really win with the help of some special devices, but usually they are lucky not for a long time. So, let's find out what types of cheating methods exist.

  1. Tommy Glenn Carmichael
  2. Tommy Carmichael Vegas
  3. Dominic Loriggio

Get yourself some Backblaze with a FREE TRIAL you LEGEND: A LEGEND (with ease) by joining my. Tommy Glenn Carmichael: Slot Machine Cheat and Legend On August 19, 2015 posted by hiddenusername in Uncategorized No Comments When it comes to casino cheats and in particular slot machine cheats, few have reached the level of Tommy Carmichael. Tommy Glenn Carmichael—Slot Cheat One of the most famous casino cheats in the world was a man by the name of Tommy Glenn Carmichael.

Tommy Glenn Carmichael

When it comes to casino cheats and in particular slot machine cheats, few have reached the level of Tommy Carmichael. He is a legend in the industry, a man who made it his goal to cheat the very best machines and to consistently get one over on the developers that made them and the casinos that installed them. Brendan Riley Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 9:27 a.m. CARSON CITY - Tommy Glenn Carmichael says he's now using his cheating skills to improve slot machine security. But that got him nowhere Thursday.

Carmichael's Top Bottom Join

The outstanding man in the history of slots cheating was Tommy Glenn Carmichael the inventor of 'Monkey Paw'. It is the first cheating method which was used at slots. Tommy Glenn Carmichael used a special device which was called a top-bottom joint. It was created in 1960. Firstly it was successfully used up in Las Vegas, but in 1985 he was caught and imprisoned for five years. After the prison Tommy Glenn Carmichael and his friend developed so called slider. It was made of guitar wire and cheaters could insert it in the slot machine and release all coins.


Shaved Coins

This popular cheating tactic gave the opportunity to the player to play with one coin.

Tommy Carmichael Vegas


Tommy Glenn Carmichael

Such cheating method was in order to infuse into an optical sensor in slot machines. Mini-lights consist of the battery on the one side and on the other side there was a light source. During the work of such device, slot machine, in a literal sense is blinded. The machine is not able to control number of the coins which are paid out. But recently slots machines were insured and protected from such cheating method.

Programmer Sabotage

This is undoubtedly the hardest cheating method; you should have a special preparation and years of training in order to do this. That is why this cheating technique is used by engineers or electronic programmers. It is a known fact that slot machine pays out with the help of some specific buttons. Clearly speaking it is like a PIN code which you enter for turning on your telephone. That is why only that people who invent slots machines are acquainted with such secrets.

Dominic Loriggio

Knowing about such cheating techniques casino owners tries to protect themselves that is why they install all possible modern equipment in the slot machines. The scientists have invented The Coin Comparator is the device which differentiates if the coin is a fake and its weight. You see that today you should be the man of genius in order to outwit slot machines and devices which keep a good watch after them. Put that in your pipe and smoke it that cheaters will never win. You are always watched by the casino, especially if you are a winner. You should always play the clean game.